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Office of the Bursar
Policies and Other Information

Audited Courses

学生可以在专业教授和教师的许可下正式旁听课程 the course instructors. 经审核的课程不得用于满足任何学术或专业要求 graduation requirements. 正式审核的课程将出现在学生的成绩单上 并将被评为SAU(审计满意)或UAU(审计不满意). 分数将根据课程建立的审核标准进行分配 instructor. 经审核课程的注册指引与其他课程相同 taken for credit. 

Broad-Based Fee Policy

该政策描述了SUNY 网赌平台设定和收取广泛费用的过程, 哪些费用一般是向所有注册学生收取的,用于资助独立的活动 that benefit the student body.  It also describes exemptions for certain populations of students and how fee refunds are determined.

Deferment Policy

只有在提供经济援助证明的情况下,才会批准延期学期收费. Unless 付款安排已符合学院的政策,学生是 subject to withdrawal from 网赌平台.

Late Payment Fee for all Students

所有尚未缴付欠款的学生(如.e. by check, cash, payment 计划,财政援助,或信用卡)将在截止日期营业结束前 subject to a late payment fee. This fee is based on the following:

Debt Administrative or
Late Payment Fee
less than $1001 $30.00
$1001 to less than $2001 $40.00
$2001 and above $50.00

Late Payment Fee Petition

网赌平台 Collection Policy

请注意纽约州政府认为这份账单是 学生的经济义务,这是学生将承担任何责任 unsatisfied balance.
所有账单应在到期日之前全额支付或延期支付 . Any unpaid bill will incur a Late Payment Fee.

学时数如有变动,原票据签发后出具 of charges, are the student’s responsibility. All adjustments can be viewed via the 网站和必须支付之前的下一个发票账单上的第一个月. 任何未支付的余额将被评估为滞纳金. Refunds are determined by 上述和大学目录中提到的负债时间表. Please refer to that before making adjustments to your credit hours.

那些在每个月初有未偿余额的学生将 收到发票,并通知未来可能采取的行动,直到 the account is paid in full. Those actions are:

您的帐户可能会被送到纽约州总检察长办公室收取. If your 账户发送收款,您将负责额外的罚款,利息 and a 22% collection fee.

Return Check Policy

  • All returned checks will incur a $20.00 Returned Check Charge.

  • When applicable a late Payment Fee of up to $50.00 will also be incurred.

国家债务催收法通知,影响所有拖欠国家的逾期债务 OF NEW YORK

1993年1月1日生效的某些州法律给予了额外的 赋予纽约州机构征收非税债务的执行权. These 法律扩大了以前存在于 State University of New York. If you have a current or outstanding debt within the 大学,强烈要求你现在解决这个问题.

Important Provisions

国家机构有权评估利息或逾期付款罚款 overdue debts.

Collection Fee – State Finance Law 18
国家机关或其代表可以向 承担处理、处理和回收拖欠债务的既定成本.

这一数额可能高达未偿债务的22%. Authority To Hold Transcripts And Deny Registration – Section 302.正式汇编第8编第五章第1 (j)段 of Codes, Rules and Regulations.

任何人不得因工作圆满完成而获得荣誉或其他官方认可; 或允许重新注册,直到所有的学费,杂费和所有其他收费授权 由博彩平台支付或大学学生贷款的义务 have been satisfied.


州政府机构有权向税务和财政部出具证明 过去到期的法定可执行债务应抵销任何退税、合同 or other state payments.

Returned Check Charge – State Finance Law 19


如果您希望避免这些措施,您必须安排解决任何未解决的问题 debts as soon as possible.

如果您对您的债务有任何疑问,请致电315-470-6652与我们的办公室联系 or by email at

College Withdrawal & Refund Policy

以下列出的退款时间表已由州立大学制定 Board of Trustees. 要获得退款,学生必须填写正式的取款单 form and specifically request a refund.

Tuition Refund Schedule

根据学院的安排,第一天的课程将被考虑在内 the first day of the semester/summer session. The first week of classes for purposes 对于退款,应在七个日历日内视为已结束,其中包括 first day of scheduled classes have elapsed.

Tuition Liability Schedule

Financial Aid Refund and Repayment Policy

Refund Policy
学生在退学时有资格获得的退款金额 is outlined in the section “College Refund Policy.” Students obtaining financial aid 在申请助学金之前不会收到退款吗 back to the respective accounts.

Repayment Policy
在收到奖学金现金支付后退学的学生 可能需要财政援助,以协助支付他们的非机构费用 偿还全部或部分第四章援助.


州立大学董事会通过了一项健康保险计划 博彩平台网赌平台、研究和学习项目的所有参与者. 本强制性保险适用于在国外学习的学生和学者 and to foreign students attending SUNY colleges. For details, contact the Cashier in 102 Bray Hall or email